Who We Are

Corey Besmer, Founder & Video Strategist

As a shy, introverted kid who struggled to communicate with words, Corey discovered a talent for communicating through creative expression. His passion for telling stories through art and filmmaking grew until it led him to launch Soul Original Media as a young adult. Corey’s passion for creative storytelling empowers him to connect people in an increasingly more disconnected world. Corey helps brands by addressing their needs with a video marketing strategy that helps them achieve their goals.

Hobbies & Stuff

In everything Corey does, he aims to please his Lord and Redeemer, Jesus Christ, the Son of God. He loves long walks through the forest (or along a stream, catching fish), ping pong, watching movies, and playing board games like Catan with his friends.


Our Mission

Soul Original Media emerged from a burning desire to unleash the power of story and communication between individuals and brands. We're on a mission to ignite your brand's brilliance, making it a magnetic force that eclipses the competition. When your customers encounter your company, they won't even fathom venturing elsewhere. Our videos embody the very essence of your brand, encapsulating your story with truth and authenticity.

The world is so much larger than I thought. I thought we went along paths—but it seems there are no paths. The going itself is the path.
— C.S. Lewis